Grant Development
The GrantEd Group helps researchers plan and develop successful applications for Australian Research Council (ARC), National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) schemes, as well as many other research funding schemes. Our strategic, practical support follows a proven methodology that helps researchers write applications that:
effectively communicate a compelling ‘Why this? Why us? Why now?’ narrative
comprehensively address the scheme instructions/guidelines and selection criteria
are more likely to win​
We’ve developed a suite of options to suit individual needs and budgets, including:
bundle review options
individual parts review
support items, such as written guides and video training, available through the GrantEd Learning Community

Tender and Proposal Development
Research institutions often require additional support to be positioned with the best possible chance of winning contract research and education projects through tenders, proposals and bids. GrantEd provides support when internal client resources are limited. The services delivered by GrantEd help institutions prepare winning tender/proposal/bid responses through comprehensive project management, strategic content development, and editing and proofreading.
We’ve worked on and helped clients win tenders worth up to $40 million.
'I wanted to thank you and GrantEd for your assistance as we prepared our tender for submission to the Australian War College. I know winning this contract was due in no small way to the professional and timely advice and support you provided. I have no doubt working with GrantEd enhanced our tender greatly.'
Alfred Deakin Professor Matthew Clarke
Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development
Deakin Research
Workshops and Seminars
GrantEd provides strategic, practical workshops and seminars designed to enable individuals and teams to develop their professional skills. These include writing funding proposals and tenders, research planning, building partnerships to secure funding, and more.

"I found it very helpful to think through strategies for not just getting funding but building long-term partnerships - thinking of that as the end goal and breaking down practical steps along the way has changed my way of thinking about Cat 2/3 funding, for the better I think!"
Workshop Participant

On Track Career and Project Development Coaching
Research career and research/project development should be tailored and delivered 1:1 to be effective, because everyone's circumstances, priorities, research, and funding environments differ. This is why GrantEd's On Track research career and research project development coaching programs offer a range of ways to help you plan for and enable a significant, impactful and fulfilling academic career and design razor-sharp research projects.

'I felt that we had a genuine connection, and she understood my particular context with a great deal of empathy and support. This didn't mean she shied away from asking me difficult and challenging questions. She really encouraged me to reflect on why I was making particular career decisions.'
Program Participant
Macquarie University
GrantEd Learning Community
The GrantEd Learning Community is thriving and has provided support to over 1,000 researchers since launching in 2020. The GrantEd Learning Community includes:
self-paced online video training for tackling ARC and NHMRC schemes
written guides that decipher the most common ARC and NHMRC schemes
analysis about various funding schemes
lots of free and helpful material to assist you successfully navigate the research funding environment

Bright Stars is an initiative designed showcasing the stories of a selection of Australia’s outstanding women researchers from Australia, across all disciplines, in order to encourage other women to keep striving for senior appointments and to inspire young Australian women and girls to pursue a career in research.