Do you have a brilliant research impact story to tell?
This competition is open to researchers in Australia who are 0-15 years post PhD (from all disciplines) and who have demonstrated research impact* from the research they have performed. *For the purposes of this competition, “research impact” is the tangible change or contribution to change your research has made to health, quality of life, the economy, society, environment or culture, beyond the contribution to academic research.
To apply, please submit a 60 second video describing:
1. The urgent need/agenda your research was designed to address
2. The engagements and measures you put in place in your research project planning stage to facilitate research impact
3. The research impact your research achieved or contributed to.
Four winners will each receive:
a $1000 cash prize
their video published on The GrantEd Group website and used as a case study in our “Planning your research for impact” workshop.
Competition details
Competition closes 11.59pm on Friday 9th August. NOTE: extended from original deadline!
Questions prior to submission can be emailed to hello@thegrantedgroup.com.au
Submissions must be loaded HERE
All submissions will be assessed by The GrantEd Group directors Lyn Airey and Kirsten Bartlett.
Winners will be notified via email on Monday 9th September.